- a control unit;
- a consumers unit.
The control unit housing contains: a part of electrical equipment, electronic boards, front panel. The front panel of the control unit includes:
- power switch;
- electricity meter;
- measuring regulator TPM;
- USB port for PC connection
The control unit panel contains piping scheme, an electric boiler, shut-off and control valves, temperature, flow and pressure sensors for the coolant.
The consumers unit is a heated chamber with aluminum frame with the following equipment installed:
- front panel with the schematic location of taps and sensors;
- pipelines for the delivery of coolant to the consumer;
- consumers (radiator, convector, heating spiral);
- a section of a metal-plastic pipe for the study of heat losses.
The consumers unit must be connected to the Control Unit using an electric bus line and flexible connections. The chamber is made of aluminum profile with PVC walls. The chamber is equipped with an exhaust fan and ventilation windows.
The training system is supplied with:
- a set of methodical and technical documentation for teaching staff;
- software.