Structurally, each of the modules consists of a housing in which are placed:
- electrical equipment;
- microprocessor measuring system;
- front panel.
The hosing of general module contains:
- power transformer ОSМ-0,1;
- stopwatch card with a measurement accuracy of 0.01s for measuring the response time of devices of relay protection circuits;
- load resistor unit;
- module of microprocessor measuring system providing multi-channel measurements with output of measured values of current and voltage to digital indicators.
The housing of the additional module of relay studying are placed:
- power transformer ОСМ-0,1;
- stopwatch card with a measurement accuracy of 0.01s for measuring the response time of devices of relay protection circuits;
- 3-phase selsyn transformer power supply;
- module of microprocessor measuring system providing multi-channel measurements and functioning of models of relays under study.
The front panels of the modules are conditionally divided into two parts: circuit and hardware.
On the circuit part of the front panel are shown electrical circuits of the objects of study. All circuits at the panel are divided into groups according to the subject of the work being carried out. The panel has switching jacks, switching equipment, as well as controls that providing opportunity to change the parameters of the elements under study during laboratory work.
At the hardware part of the front panel are installed studied units of relay protection and automatic equipment, system automatic circuit breaker, digital indicator displays of microprocessor measuring system.
A number of parameters under measuring is really enough for successful studying the circuits of relay protection and automatic equipment at electric power supply system without connection the stand to computer.
The stand is accompanied with a set of methodical and technical documentation for teaching stuff.