- case in which a part of the electrical equipment, electronic boards, front panel and countertop of the integrated desktop are installed;
- an electric machine unit, which includes one DC motor of independent excitation, one asynchronous electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor, an optical speed sensor, a flywheel for creating an inertial moment.
Stand is completed with an electric machine units based on electric machine (90 W) of low power.
The training laboratory equipment performs supplying, controlling and distribution of primary energy resources at various types of the loading the production plant. The electric power system reproduces at laboratory conditions the decreasing of the input power supply from the power transmission line through the transformer sub-station to the internal production network. The block of loads consists of an electric machine unit (DCM-AM), an adjustable active-inductive load, a block of lighting devices. The reactive power compensation in the system is carried out under the control of the reactive power regulator using a battery of static capacitors. The stand is equipped with a microprocessor measuring system.
The following equipment is located inside:
- Frequency converter designed to form a three-phase AC network of controlled frequency and supply voltage of an asynchronous electric motor.
- Pulse-width converter designed to regulate the current in the DCT armature circuit.
- Relay subsystem.
- Measurement module, built on the basis of a microprocessor measuring complex built into the stand and connected to a personal computer via the USB bus. It realizes the calculation of currents, voltage, power, as well as the organization of data exchange with a PC and the output of measured signal values to the front panel of the stand.
On the lower shelves you can find:
- load resistors;
- compensating capacities;
- load inductance;
- relay units of the subsystem.
The training system is supplied with:
- a set of methodological and technical documentation intended for the teaching staff;
- a software.