Each unit consists of:
- housing in which are installed electrical equipment, electronic cards, front panel;
- an electric machine unit containing two electric machines: an asynchronous electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor of the series and a synchronous generator based on the engine. The machine unit is equipped with an optical speed sensor.
In the case of each of the units are placed:
- OVEN frequency converter designed to form a three-phase alternating current network of adjustable frequency and supply voltage of an asynchronous electric motor.
- Excitation controller, which is implemented on the basis of a pulse-width converter and is designed to power the excitation winding of a synchronous generator.
- Measuring instruments that are designed to measure and display current, voltage and power in the nodes of the electrical network.
- Programmable logic controller and expansion modules from OWEN. The PLC is used to process the input signals from the buttons, the inverter and the field controller; generation of output signals and relay control. Based on the PLC are realized control algorithms for protection nodes and a synchronous generator.
- A synchroscope that is used to perform synchronization at starting a synchronous generator for parallel operation with a network.
- Current control relay. Used to provide overcurrent protection and automatic circuit-recloser is in operation.
- Voltage control relay. It is used to control the three-phase voltage and during operation of automatic transfer equipment (ATE).
- Three-phase electric energy meter. Measures active and reactive energy in two directions.
The front panel shows the electrical circuits of the objects of study. All schemes depicted on the panel are divided into nodes and blocks. The panel is equipped with switching jacks, indicators of digital devices, switching equipment, as well as controls that allow you to change the parameters of the elements during laboratory work.
To carry out the work, it is necessary to assemble the scheme of the object of study using unified jumpers and connect the SCADA system.
Performing laboratory work is possible both in manual mode and in dialogue mode with a personal computer.
The stand is accompanied with:
- a set of methodological and technical documentation intended for teaching staff;
- software.