The movable platform accommodates main equipment:
- centrifugal fan;
- tachogenerator;
- chanel electrical heater;
- power control;
- electric motor of a flap with analogue control;
- microprocessor-based measuring system.
Air ducts are designed as circular 100 mm diameter cross-section pipe made of PVC, circular transparent 100 mm diameter pipe with an iris diaphragm. The ducts are mounted on the front side of the mounting frame.
Air is used as operating media of the stand.
The microprocessed-based measuring and control system allows to register static and dynamic pressure in metering section, rotation speed of the fan impellers, voltage, current, active power of the fan electric motor, air temperature in the duct and to control the fan or the flap by chosen as regulation parameter pressure, flow or temperature. Differential pressure transducers are used to measure static and dynamic pressure. Pressure sensors are connected to air ducts via a system of tubes. Digital sensor and resistance thermometer with thermo transducers with analogue output are used to measure the temperature. Industrial inverter is used to control the fan.
Microprocessor-based system includes the following units:
- inlet unit;
- power supply unit;
- pressure measuring and tachogenerator unit;
- power measuring unit;
- pressure and temperature measuring unit;
- operation panel.
The laboratory stand is accompanied by a set of guides and technical documentation for the teaching personnel.