The stand provides visibility when studying the functioning of the control system of an injection engine of a car. It can also be used to diagnose and remove the performance of the elements of the control system of the injection engine.
Structurally, the stand is a metal frame with the following equipment installed: electric motor, which replaces the internal combustion engine, fuel tank with fuel pump and filter, vacuum pump, compressor, aluminum frame with a working panel.
In the upper part of the front panel of the stand there are images of sensors (speed, crankshaft position, throttle position, air mass flow rate), actuators (idle speed regulator, radiator fan), air filter with mass air flow sensor, throttle valve and regulator of idling, instrument cluster, ignition switch, crankshaft speed adjusters, coolant temperature and oxygen concentration adjusters, diagnostics block, electronic engine control unit, fault input unit. Near the images of sensors and actuators there are testpoints from which sensor signals and status indicators of actuators can be taken.
The lower part of the front panel contains an ignition module, spark plugs installed in a high-pressure chamber, a fuel rail with nozzles, an injected fuel flow meter with the ability to measure fuel consumption individually for each nozzle, a cycle counter allowing shutting off the fuel supply through a specified amount engine cycles, pressure gauges, pressure in the chamber of the candle, vacuum gauge of evacuation in the intake tract.
As a working fluid of the injection system, instead of gasoline, injector test fluid is used, which is supplied from a tank with an electric fuel pump through a fine filter in a BOSCH fuel rail with solenoid nozzles.
In the stand there is the possibility of electronic diagnostics of operation parameters and faults using the SCANMATIC diagnostic scanner and its analogues, as well as the forced introduction of faults with their subsequent diagnostics and localization.
The training system is supplied with a set of methodological and technical documentation for teaching staff.