The front panel of the the control unit includes:
- electric boiler station;
- expansion tank;
- pressure safety group;
- load circulation pump;
- feed pump;
- water tank;
- circuits of circulation, leaks and shutoff and control valves;
- power switch;
- measurement system sensors.
The module of heat load with regulated power (heating radiators) is located on the back panel.
The work of gas and liquid boiler systems is modeling with the help of specialized software on the computer. The model simulates the type of fuel, fuel pressure, air flow and pressure, vacuum, temperature and heat value in various modes. The current parameters of the simulated boiler are used to control the real electric boiler. Adjusting the technological parameters of the electric boiler simulates the work of the units under study.
The training system is supplied with:
- methodical and technical documentation for teaching staff;
- software.