The panels of the stand contain the circuits of electrical safety devices and electrical subsystem of the stand, measuring and information system, control system.
The study of electrical safety systems is done at shorting of a phase wire to frame (mass) of electricity consumer. The physical model of a man is in contact with electricity consumer body.
The system allows the possibility of changing the electrical resistances of grounding mat, dead-grounded and insulated neutral and human model. It allows to study the influence of the abovementioned parameters on current passing through physical human model, determine voltage at electricity consumer frame, estimate short circuit current at actuation of neutral grounding together with protecting cutout devices.
Lowered voltage is used for insuring the experiment safety.
The measured values (voltage, currents) are digitally displayed.
The training system is supplied with:
- set of methodological and technical documentation intended for academic staff;
- software for safety instructions training.