Training laboratory equipment allows to perform the following:
- testing generators with terminals D+, L, P-D, FR-SIG, as well as generators with external voltage regulators;
- control of current and voltage of the tested generator in the required range of loads and speeds;
- step-load change of generator;
- smooth variation of engine rotational frequency of generator drive;
- checking the electrical parameters of starters with a power of up to 9 kW at idle mode.
Structurally, the stand is represented as a table where are placed the control panel and the device for mounting the unit under study. Inside the table there are two rechargeable batteries (ACB), load resistors and a relay-contactor control system. The generator (starter) mounting device is represented as a base with guides along which moves the sled. The belt tension is carried out by rotating the tensioner cam clockwise.
When the top of the protective cover is open, the stand cannot be started. Shelves are located below the level of the working area for storing tools and other measuring instruments.
The stand is accompanied with a set of methodical and technical documentation dedicated for teaching stuff.