- studying the hydraulic control system of the differential lock;
- control actions supplying with specified characteristics to the steering wheel and ensuring their reproducibility.
The equipment contains:
- front axle with steering wheels;
- steering gear with hydraulic booster;
- steering drive with a steering wheel;
- pumping station;
- three simulators (setting action, resistance to turning of steered wheels, hydraulic pump faults);
- control panel with information-measuring system.
All units are mounted at a special frame. At the stand is installed a hydraulic booster of integrating type. Hydraulic boosters of this type are installed on MTZ-80 (82) tractors.
For creating external influences onto the steering control, at the stand are installed simulators of the resistance to the steered wheels rotation and the master action. The master action simulator is a physical model of the operator. This device ensures the rotation of the steering wheel at a given angular velocity during testing. At the same time, using a special sensor can be measured the force on the steering wheel.
For studying the characteristics of a steering control with a hydraulic booster having a “bad” technical state, at the stand is installed a hydraulic pump faults simulator.
The information-measuring system of the stand provides measuring the pump power, pressure, force on the steering wheel. The stand is controlled and the measurement results are displayed by control panel installed at the stand frame. The data output from sensors goes to electronic digital indicators.
The control panel also contains the stand controls, a manometer and a hydraulic principle circuit. To control the pressure in the differential lock control line is used an electric-contact manometer, placed outside the console (at the frame).
The training laboratory equipment is accompanied with a set of methodical and technical documentation dedicated for teaching stuff.