Educational videos


Quick overview of the main components and features of our training systems, step-by-step manuals for laboratory experiments


Universal extendable platform ExtLab

NTC-01.01.B “Electrical engineering and basic electronics” (subtitles)

NTC-01.01.B “Electrical engineering and basic electronics” (subtitles)
Laboratory experiment: “Ohm’s law for circuit section”

NTC-02.05.1 “Electronics with MPMS”

NTC-02.30 “Microprocessor equipment, sensors and control system elements”

NTC-05.05 “Process sensors” (subtitles)

NTC-06.03 “Electrical machines” (subtitles)


NTC-06.11 “Asynchronous electric motor with MPCS” (subtitles)


NTC-06.12 “Synchronous electric motor and generator with MPCS” (subtitles)


NTC-06.24.1 “Three-phase asynchronous electric motor with fault simulator
with MPCS” (subtitles)


NTC-07.25 “Basic electric drive and converting equipment with MPCS” (subtitles)


NTC-10.08 «Electrical networks and systems»


NTC-11.17.2 «Hydraulics M2»


NTC-13.06.5 “Cylindrical samples fatigue test”


NTC-13.09.4 “Belt drives”


NTC-13.09.5 “Reduction gears”


NTC-13.09.6 “Safety clutches”


NTC-14.02 “Automated liquid and gaseous boiler station”


NTC-14.52.1 “Heat pump acting model. Water-water system” (subtitles)


NTC-15.41.2 “Hydraulic brake system of motor vehicle with
anti-lock braking system (ABS)”

NTC-15.40.1 “Supply system of Multi Point Injection engine” (subtitles)


NTC-15.43.2 “Lighting and signalling system in vehicles M1””

NTC-15.50.1 “Electric car BMW”

NTC-15.50 “Electric car Nissan”

NTC-16.35 “Automation of construction materials production”

NTC-20.80 “Energy saving technologies. Wind turbine studies”

NTC-22.05.1.B “Heat engineering and thermodynamics” (subtitles)


NTC-22.05.10 “Determination of sound speed in air” (subtitles)


NTC-22.05.12 “Measurement of heat capacity of bodies” (subtitles)

NTC-22.05.13 “Study of first order phase transition – melting” (subtitles)