The following items are placed inside the body:
- step-down transformers;
- module of load resistors.
The electrical diagram of the laboratory stand is depicted on the frontal panel. A module of automatic circuit breakers, a power unit BPT-615, a safety power equipment terminal MP5 Software 50, instrumentation, indicators and controls are installed on the panel.
Readings are registered according to digital ammeters and the PLC-display of the microprocessor relay.
The stand allows conducting the following operations:
- study of the safety power equipment terminal MP5 Software 50 programming;
- study of the current changes in the line phases in nominal operating mode and with different types of faults (single- , two-, three-phase short circuits);
- study of the safety power equipment terminal MP5 Software 50 operation in nominal operating mode of the line and with different types of faults (single- , two-, three-phase short circuits);
- safety power equipment terminal MP5 Software 50 remote control.
The training system is supplied with:
- a set of methodological and technical documentation intended for teaching staff;
- a software.