1. Plug-in board NTC-02/1 ExtLab «Investigation of electrical rectifiers»:
- investigation of controlled thyristor rectifier schematics;
- investigation of passive and active smoothing filter schematics.
2. Plug-in board NTC-02/2 ExtLab «Investigation of electrical rectifiers and equalizing voltage stabilizer with operational amplifier»:
- investigation of the single-phase uncontrolled rectifier schematics;
- investigation of the schematics of equalizing voltage stabilizer with operational amplifier.
3. Plug-in board NTC-02/3 ExtLab «Investigation of single-stage amplifiers»:
- investigation of amplifiers in common-emitter circuits;
- investigation of amplifiers in common-collector circuits;
- investigation of differential amplifiers;
- investigation of amplifiers on composed transistor;
- investigation of transformerless power amplifier.
4. Plug-in board NTC-02/4 ExtLab «Investigation of operational amplifiers»:
- investigation of the characteristics of operational amplifiers;
- investigation of inverting amplifier schematics, based on operational amplifier;
- investigation of non-inverting amplifier schematics, based on operational amplifier;
- investigation of repeating amplifier based on operational amplifier;
- investigation of comparator based on operational amplifier;
- Investigation of Shmidt’s trigger on operational amplifier;
- investigation of inverting amplifier based on operational amplifier.
5. Plug-in board NTC-02/6 ExtLab «Investigation of generators»:
- investigation of the schematics of RC-generator on bipolar transistor;
- investigation of the schematics of RC-autogenerator on OA with Wien bridge with or without AGC.
6. Plug-in board NTC-02/8 ExtLab «Investigation of NOT, NAND, AND, OR logic elements, XOR, XNOR with open drain»:
- investigation of logical elements operation;
- investigation of boolean algebra laws;
- logical circuits minimization using Karnaugh map method.
7. Plug-in board NTC-02/9 ExtLab «Investigation of triggers»:
- investigation of RS-trigger schematics, based on logic elements;
- investigation of T-trigger schematics, based on logic elements;
- investigation of synchronous RS-trigger schematics, based on logics elements;
- investigation of D-trigger schematics, based on logic elements;
- investigation of JK-trigger, based on logic elements.
8. Plug-in board NTC-02/10 ExtLab «Investigation of integrated-circuit register schematics»:
- investigation of integrated register circuits.
9. Plug-in board NTC-02/11 ExtLab «Investigation of counters and decoders»:
- investigation of integrated-circuit counters schematics;
- investigation of integrated-circuit decoders schematics.
10. Plug-in board NTC-02/12 ExtLab «Investigation of the schematics of DAC with resistor matrix»:
- investigation of DAC circuits with resistor matrix.
11. Plug-in board NTC-02/13 ExtLab «Investigation of the schematics of successive approximation ADC».
- investigation of successive approximation ADC circuits.
12. Plug-in board NTC-02/14 ExtLab «Investigation of microprocessor»:
- investigation of its architecture, programming with a PC, utilizing 4-digit LED indication, using processor as a timer, joint operation with a PLD, etc.
13. Plug-in board NTC-02/15 ExtLab «Investigation of programmable logic device (PLD)»:
- investigation of its architecture, programming with a PC, implementation of any binary logic devices, including all the devices using in the stand on discrete elements, joint operation with a microprocessor.
14. Plug-in board NTC-02/16 ExtLab «Investigation of the schematics of active low-pass filter, based on OA»:
- investigation of active low-pass filter circuity, based on OA.
15. Plug-in board NTC-02/17 ExtLab «Investigation of the schematics of active high-pass filter, based on OA»:
- investigation of active high-pass filter circuity, based on OA.
16. Plug-in board NTC-02/18 ExtLab «Investigation of logarithmic amplifier, based on OA».
- investigation of logarithmic amplifier circuitry, based on OA.
17. Plug-in board NTC-02/19 ExtLab “Study of the means of logical levels assignment and their measurement”.
- study of logical levels assignment and measurement.
18. Plug-in board NTC-02/20 ExtLab «TTL elements schematics. Logic elements»:
- TTL elements schematics;
- logic elements.
19. Plug-in board NTC-02/21 ExtLab «Combiner, parity circuit»:
- combiner;
- parity circuit.
20. Plug-in board NTC-02/22 ExtLab «Data storage devices».
- study of data storage devices.
21. Plug-in board NTC-02/23 ExtLab «DAC, ADC storage access circuitry»:
- storage access circuitry;
- DAC, ADC investigation.
22. Plug-in board NTC-02/24 ExtLab «Multiplexers and decoders»:
- multiplexers;
- decoders.
23. Plug-in board NTC-02/25 ExtLab «Timers and multivibrators»:
- investigation of biased vibrator;
- multivibrators.
24. Plug-in board NTC-02/26 ExtLab «Investigation of digital timers and quartz resonators»:
- investigation of square-wave generator based on NE555 timer;
- investigation of triangular impulses generator based on NE555 timer;
- investigation of Colpitts generator with quartz resonator;
- investigation of Pierse generator with quartz resonator.